The Process of Communication between Citizens and Public Authority Bodies - a New concept of General Administrative Procedure


  • Gorazd Trpin



This paper stresses that fundamental procedural rules, such as lawfulness, fairness, openness, the possibility of active participation in forming a decision, explanations of decisions, transparent legal remedies, etc. must become a constituent part of normal communication between individuals and public authority bodies. The paper also places an emphasis on the perception of these institutes that should become part of administrative ethics so that it would no longer be necessary to consider whether a certain action is in accordance with the law or not. In this case, we could most probably expand the applicability of this procedure to the state administration, local self-governing bodies and holders of public powers of attorney so that we would be left with one single procedure that would be more adapted to the modern method of communication between individuals and public authority bodies. Key words: • Process of Communication • General Administrative Procedure • Public Authority Bodies • Slovenia • Croatia






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