Discretion as a Government Policy Innovation in Indonesia


  • Rahmat Saputra Padjadjaran University, Faculty of Law; Bhayangkara University, Faculty of Law
  • Zainal Muttaqin Padjadjaran University, Faculty of Law
  • Hernadi Affandi Padjadjaran University, Faculty of Law
  • Adrian E. Rompis Padjadjaran University, Faculty of Law




discretion, innovation, government policy, discretionary criteria, discretionary model


The research aims to find out how discretion is implemented as a form of government policy innovation in Indonesia. The importance of discretion for local governments to provide innovative policies for ideal government services. This study uses normative legal research methods with statutory approaches, conceptual approaches, case approaches, and comparative approaches. The analytical method used is descriptive and prescriptive methods. The results of the discussion show that discretionary arrangements that are implemented as a form of government policy innovation are steps that must be taken in supporting innovative officials as an effort to find common ground between innovation and law, not to be passive in realizing innovation. Discretionary criteria as government policy innovations in their implementation are assessed based on four aspects: authority, limits, testing, and judicial control. The ideal discretionary model in making innovation policies to realize bureaucratic reform must be based on the main values of the welfare state. In addition, discretionary policies must follow Pancasila values, as well as collaboration between authorities. Discretionary policies must follow the general principles of good governance (AUPB). Thus, it is necessary to have additional principles as a basis for implementing discretionary innovation policies in realizing bureaucratic reform, namely the principle of motivation, the principle of fair play, the principle of prohibition of detournement de pouvoir, the principle of justice, the principle of freedom, the principle of integrity, the principle of real goals, the principle of effectiveness and the principle of participation.


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