Public Services: Forced Digitalization in a Pandemic - The Nuances of Management


  • Zhiyang Lin Saint Petersburg State University, Department of International Relations
  • Olga Tarasova Nizhny Novgorod Dobrolyubov State Linguistic University, Department of Foreign Languages
  • Oksana Lomakina Kuban State Agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin, Department of Management
  • Olga Li Perm State Research University, Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics
  • Irina Gribkova Kuban State Technological University, Department of Cadastre and Geoengineering



digital divide, digitalization, efficiency of public services, EGDI index, SDGs


The aim of the article is to assess the digital transformation quantitatively and qualitatively in the management of public services against the background of the pandemic. The E-Government Development Index (EGDI) analog for evaluating the effectiveness of digital public services was developed. Qualitative and quantitative changes in digital transformation in the management of public services on the background of the pandemic were determined. It was found that no more extensive range of non-mandatory actions aimed at improving the client-oriented nature of public services and communication is observed in the innovative regions of the Russian Federation. It is established that the main transformations are qualitative, as the trend of increasing digitalization of public services was observed even before the pandemic, but during the pandemic the requirements for the expansion of such services, their efficiency, "customer centricity", and communication both within the organization and with users have increased.


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