Women’s Representation in County Assemblies: A Study on Kenya’s Elected County Assembly Members


  • Kyung Deuk Kwon Sun Moon University, Department of Public Administration
  • Francis Wyckliffe Otieno Sun Moon University, Department of Public Administration




county assemblies, devolution, gender mainstreaming, representation, social background


 Local governments offer opportunities for diverse groups of women in political participation, as well as their roles as local leaders in ensuring sustainable development. Within the context of gender mainstreaming, this study examined how the backgrounds of women such as social status, pre-elective occupations, age, educational background and religion, contributed to their access to legislative roles within Kenya’s county assemblies. Using the 2013 and 2017 election data, results showed that of the five variables, the religious background of women had the lowest effect on their election and legislative participation. Though there are constitutional and institutional structures put in place to promote women participation in elective politics, there’s still need for enhanced awareness on the legislative and decision-making role of elected women leaders. This study contributes to a comprehensive view of women’s political participation and a narrative shift from national to local decision-making power, which is a critical level of governance.


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