Evaluation of the Quality of Web-Based Integrated Administration Services (PATEN) in Sidoarjo District, Indonesia


  • Diana Hertati University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Faculty of Social Science and Political Science




integrated service evaluation, e-government, quality dimension


The Regional Integrated Administration Service Program (PATEN) is one of the currently web-based programs to support the optimization of public service performance related to licensing to document issuance in Sidoarjo Regency, Indonesia. This research aims to develop a service quality evaluation model in information systems by examining the understanding and application of the e-government field. Achieving this study’s objectives should produce: 1) mapping critical factors to develop web-based quality evaluation models for PATEN, 2) formulating web-based development of quality evaluation models for PATEN, and 3) adopting strategies for developing web-based PATEN quality evaluation models in Sidoarjo Regency Government. The research method used is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The research location is Sukodono District and Buduran District, Sidoarjo Regency Government, Indonesia. The data collection method included interviews, focus groups, and discussions. The research results show that the mapping of critical factors in developing a web-based quality evaluation model of PATEN in terms of knowledge development of employees who have often attended workshops to support employee competence in providing public services; leadership strongly supports innovation. Standard Operating Procedures and the innovation network are under continuous development. This study develops an e-government-based evaluation model of sub-district integrated administrative services quality. It combines the previous model of improving the service quality of electronic-based systems to improve the quality of continuity of use and a model of service measurement to consumers using the website.


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