Fiscal Decentralization and Public debt in the European Union


  • Lenka Horváthová
  • Julius Horváth finance and international trade.
  • Vladimír Gazda
  • Matúš Kubák



This paper analyses the relationship between fiscal decentralization and the level of the public debt in the twenty seven member countries of the European Union. Our panel data analysis points to the importance of size as fiscal decentralization reduces public debt in large and small countries, but not in medium - size countries. In addition, our results show that the number of government levels and average size of the lowest government unit is insignificant with respect to the public debt in these countries.

Author Biographies

  • Lenka Horváthová is a researcher of Department of Finance at Technical university of Košice, Faculty of Economics. Her research interest includes: public sector, public choice theory and public finance. Her teaching interests include public finance and knowledge economy.
  • Július Horváth is the head of the Department of Economics at Central European University in Budapest. He lectures in various academicals, but also non academicals forums. He is referee, and editorial member of several journals. His research area is focused on global economy, international
  • Vladimír Gazda is an associate professor of Department of Finance at Technical university of Košice, Faculty of Economics. His research interests include: finance, econometrics, behavioural economics and quantitative methods. His teaching interests include: econometrics, game theory, international finances, quantitative microeconomics and methodology of scientific techniques.
  • Matúš Kubák is a PhD student of Department of Finance at Technical university of Košice, Faculty of Economics. His research interests include: asymmetric information and behavioural economics. His teaching interests include: game theory, econometrics, quantitative microeconomics.




