The Local Government’s Position in the Polish Cybersecurity System


  • Mirosław Karpiuk University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Faculty of Law and Administration



local government, cybersecurity, information systems, telecommunication systems, confidential information


This article discusses the local government’s position in the national cybersecurity system. It refers to the status of the local government administration in cyberspace, including the duties and responsibilities ensuring cybersecurity. In Poland, the local government is considered the basic form of decentralisation of public power, as a result of which the legislator has entrusted it with a significant portion of public duties. The list of such duties also encompasses telecommunication responsibilities carried out in cyberspace. In general practice, cyberspace is also used to carry out other responsibilities. The local government has the most extensive knowledge on the matters concerning a given (local or regional) community, referring also to cybersecurity; however, the legislator has not awarded this entity with any special status. It is merely one of the many entities forming the national cybersecurity system. Inter alia, the local government is obliged to carry out a range of activities aimed at incident detection, incident cause analysis, and corrective actions. It is also expected to ensure the appropriate incident management which includes, inter alia, incident handling and eliminating incident causes.


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