The Access to the ICT Network as a Public Task of Local Government


  • Katarzyna Chałubińska-Jentkiewicz War Studies University



access to ICT network, telecommunications access, cybersecurity, local government, human rights


The purpose of this paper is to describe the duties of local government units under the legal conditions related to access to the ICT network in Poland. Establishing public-private partnerships in the telecommunications sector, which is a field closely tied with cybersecurity, seems inevitable and necessary. The need to cooperate is the consequence of the development of information and communication technologies, which leads to their increasingly wide application in all aspects of social life. The tasks of local government involving network access have become key to the process of broadband network development. That is why public funding becomes particularly important in its absence, justified by the need to provide conditions for internet access as a human right. This has become especially topical as we face the challenges of COVID-19.


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