On the Legal Basis of the Lawmaking by Local Self-Governments – an International Overview


  • Adrian Fabian University of Pécs, Faculty of Law




lawmaking, ordinance, local case, selfgovernment, international overview


The lawmaking by the local self-governments is one of the most characteristic of their activities. We can say, that municipal lawmaking is a universal part of the local self-government’s operation. This function is recognized by the Charta of Local Self Governments also. But, when we analized the scope of the lawmaking of the local self-governments in several countries, we will find as many differences, as similarities. This paper’s goal is to present an overview on the lawmaking of local self-governments, from international aspect, to point out those elements in the represented countries, which elements can highlight the main objects, legal meaning and background of local self-government’s lawmaking. The article deals from the point of view of its theme separated Western and Eastern European countries, USA and Canada, as well.


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