Cost-of-ruling in Local Elections – The Case of Sweden


  • David Karlsson University of Gothenburg, School of Public Administration, Sprängkullsgatan 19, 40530 Göteborg
  • Mikael Gilljam University of Gothenburg, Department of Political Science, Sprängkullsgatan 19, 40530 Göteborg



cost-of-ruling, local elections, parties, Sweden


There is a cost-of-ruling effect for parties who are part of ruling coalitions I local multi-party elections. Results from the case of Sweden (based on 8,892 election results of parties in local elections 1998-2010) indicate that a party on average loses almost a quarter of its share of the votes after an election period in government. The results also indicate that this cost-of-ruling effect varies depending on the party’s prominence and its political company within the ruling coalition. The voters punish anti-establishment parties who enter into ruling coalitions especially hard.

Author Biographies

  • Associate Professor
  • Professor


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Conference Paper (Annual Conference 2020)