Public Services Concession in Slovenian Legislation


  • Katja Drnovšek University of Maribor, Faculty of Law, Mladinska ulica 9, 2000 Maribor
  • Boštjan Brezovnik University of Maribor, Faculty of Law, Mladinska ulica 9, 2000 Maribor



public services, concession, public-private partnership, concession relationship, Slovenia


Because of the public sector crisis, the role of the state in the provision of public service activities has been gradually changing ever since the 1980s, as the role of the financier in public infrastructure, as well as of the provider of public service activities, was increasingly being assumed by the private sector, while the state began to strengthen its role in the areas of regulation and supervision.With the involvement of the private sector in the so-called project financing of investments in construction of infrastructure and the consequent provision of public service activities, new and innovative forms of cooperation between the public and private sector (public-private partnership) have gradually been introduced as an addition to the already established concession and public procurement relationships. At the same time, states have in addition to classic (budgetary) financing gradually introduced new ways of financing public service activities, which enabled the repayment of investments in public infrastructure and reimbursement of (private) providers for goods delivered or services rendered (public goods). Undoubtedly, these forms of cooperation between the public and private sector call for regulation of certain complex issues. This article focuses on the examination of forms of integration between the public and private sector in the provision of public service activities in the framework of concession relationships.

Author Biographies

  • Assistant
  • Associate Professor


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Conference Paper (Annual Conference 2020)