Relationship Quality in Tourism: A Case of Local Tourism Cluster in Lithuania


  • Ausra Rutelione Kaunas University of Technology, School of Economics and Business, Gedmino 50, 44239 Kaunas
  • Rimante Hopeniene Kaunas University of Technology, School of Economics and Business, Gedmino 50, 44239 Kaunas



tourism, relationship quality, cooperation, local cluster


Relationship quality is usually studied only in terms of a few tourism subsectors, and the quality of buyer-seller relationship is revealed in the context. The dimensions of interorganizational relationships are analyzed only in a fragmentary manner; only a few separate dimensions, as opposed to their entirety, are evaluated. There is a lack of studies that would reveal the relationship quality of tourism cluster participants and its impact on tourism cluster performance. Thus the purpose of the paper is to identify the quality dimensions of interorganizational relationships in a tourism cluster and to verify their expression using a local example of Kedainiai region tourism cluster. The paper contributes to the domain of interorganizational relationships quality research through the analysis of in-depth interview with participants of Kedainiai region tourism cluster.

Author Biographies

  • Associate Professor
  • Associate Professor


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