The Relevance of Political Engagement and Transparency in Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) Environments: Analyzing Border Cities in Europe


  • Rui Alexandre Castanho WSB University, Faculty of Applied Sciences



borderlands, cooperation, planning, sustainable development, territorial governance, management


Within European territories, exists a large number of borderlands comprising several Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) projects and strategies. However, these CBC relationships are known by a high level of complexity. Therefore, the study of all the variables and factors that could influence the success or failure of these CBC projects and strategies are critical to reaching long-lasting territorial sustainability. Contextually, the present paper analyzes the border cooperation of eight CBC projects (seventeen European cities) focusing on the political engagement and transparency. Furthermore, the study allows us to identify and isolate the four main critical factors to consider from a political perspective: (i) Connectivity - Movement between cities; (ii) Political transparency and commitment; (iii) Common objectives and master plans; and (iv) Young and talented people magnet.


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