Project Management as a Tool for Fostering Cooperation Between Municipalities in Slovenia


  • Igor Vrečko University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business Razlagova 14 SI-2000 Maribor Slovenia
  • Anja Žnidaršič University of Maribor Faculty of Organizational Sciences Kidričeva cesta 55a SI-4000 Kranj Slovenia
  • Jure Kovač University of Maribor Faculty of Organizational Sciences Kidričeva cesta 55a SI-4000 Kranj Slovenia



municipality development, new public management, project management, municipality, cooperation, joint municipal projects


Among the answers to the new challenges of contemporary environment, cooperation between those who implement development in public administration at state, local and regional levels is increasingly highlighted. Surprisingly, the role of cooperation in developing projects and the maturity of public administrations’ project management organizations for accelerating the development of municipalities have not been researched until now. This study confirms that project cooperation between Slovenian municipalities promotes the municipalities’ orientation for achieving development through projects, and their management awareness of the importance of fundamental managerial functions and other project management concepts and techniques for the successful achievement of development goals.

Author Biographies

  • Assistant Professor
  • Assistant Professor
  • Professor


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Conference Paper (Annual Conference 2020)