Tourism perspectives and Local communities’ development within two different countries


  • Božidar Veljković University of Maribor, Faculty of Turism, Cesta prvih borcev 36, 8250 Brežice
  • Jelica Jovica Markovic University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, Trg Dositeja Obradovića 3, 21000 Novi Sad.
  • Lukrecija Djeri University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, Trg Dositeja Obradovića 3, 21000 Novi Sad



municipality, tourism impacts, community-based tourism, local tourism awareness, Slovenia, Serbia


Paper discusses local municipality touristic development and tourism strategies analysing achievements of national touristic objectives regarding foreign and domestic tourists in two groups of selected municipalities within two different countries. First group includes three municipalities from Slovenia and the second group includes three comparable municipalities from Serbia. Throughout our analysis we carefully considered countries basic documents Slovenian and Serbian tourism development strategy. After analysing statistical data, we conclude, that it is of great signicifance for each municipality the direction of tourism industry development, investments into modern tourist capacities as well as professional marketing, as is the case with municipality ob Brežice.

Author Biographies

  • Dean
  • M.Sc., Ph.D. student.
  • Department of Geography, Assistant Professor.


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