Contemporary Challenges of Access to Information in Public Governance in South Eastern Europe


  • Polonca Kovač University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Administration, Gosarjeva ulica 5, 1000 Ljubljana



access to information, RTI, administrative procedure, good governance and administration, South Eastern Europe, EU


Access or right to information (RTI) is a fundamental principle in a democratic society. Most countries, particularly in the EU, regulate such institution by law, making a distinction between access to file within administrative procedures and access to public information. The article provides a normative and comparative study of the RTI regulation in Slovenia, Serbia and Croatia as South Eastern European countries. The dilemmas arising in the practical implementation thereof are analyzed as well. In the respective area, the degree of awareness of the need for open and good administration governance is rather high, taking into account EU guidelines, yet regulation alone does not suffice and should be followed by effective implementation to overcome still undergoing processes of Europeanization and (post)transition and develop good administrative governance.

Author Biography

  • Associate Professor


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