The Role of Stakeholders in Post Conflict Peacebuilding in Swat, Pakistan


  • Qasim Ali Shah COMSATS University Islamabad, Department of Development Studies
  • Bahadar Nawab COMSATS University Islamabad, Department of Development Studies
  • Tahir Mehmood Bahria university, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences



government, civil society, peacebuilding, Swat, Pakistan


Peacebuilding is a continuous process to transform conflicts into development opportunities for and by the stakeholders. This article explores the role of stakeholders in post-conflict peacebuilding in Swat. Applying Constructivist paradigm and Discourse Analysis, 80 semi-structured interviews were conducted by incorporating local community, civil society and the government. Study finds out that cultural, political, social and economic tiers of peacebuilding measures in Swat hardly achieved its purpose. The lack of institutional coordination and gaps in peacebuilding measures are important hurdles, which needs to be minimized for sustainable development processes in Swat.


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