The Nostalgianomics and Living Preference in Slovakia


  • Mária Murray Svidroňová Matej Bel University, Faculty of Economics
  • David Cole Matej Bel University, Faculty of Economics
  • Jolana Gubalová Matej Bel University, Faculty of Economics



living preferences, urban planning, nostalgiamics, Slovakia


The paper is focused on town planning from different point of view thancurrent urban and economic development which stresses the need of building metropolises and smart cities as a cure for urban problems. The paper is a counter-balance to this statement, especially in the conditions of Slovakia. The objective of this paper is to analyse living preferences of 496 respondents and to discuss a new term of nostalgianomics. Nostalgianomics explains that nostalgic sentiment can be used as an economic and creative force, as an incentive for investment, housing and urban planning. Main conclusion proves this statement, most respondents chose a place to live that is less crowded and less urban. 


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