The Influence of the European H2020 Program on the Development of Regions: The Multiplier Impact of EU Funding in the Regions under Horizon 2020 in NUT III - North

The multiplier impact of EU funding in the regions under Horizon 2020 in NUT III - North Portugal


  • Natacha Jesus Silva University Portucalense Infante D. Henrique, Portucalense Institute for Legal Research
  • Diamantino Ribeiro Universidade Lusófona do Porto



decentralisation, investments, north region, public value capture, European Union, Portugal


The partnership agreement between the European Union and the Member States for the implementation of the European Structural and Investment Funds for the period 2014 to 2020 is in its final phase. This study analyzes the multiplier impact on regional investment of the European funds made available to the northern region of Portugal - NUTS III, until September 2018 and intends to answer the following questions: What is the amount invested in the regional economy for each euro of support allocated by the EU through the H2020 program, and what is the percentage distribution of community support versus investment per area of intervention?


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