Challenges of the Implementation of the European Charter of Local Self-Government in Bulgarian Legislation


  • Milena Hristova Stefanova Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Philosophy



European Charter of Local Self-Government, decentralisation, autonomy, local government, subsidiarity, Bulgaria


This article discusses the challenges of improving Bulgarian legislation in terms of the implementation of the European Charter of Local Self-Government. It proves the necessity to introduce a legal definition of the concept of a “matter of local significance”. In order to ensure the consistent implementation of decentralization, it is required to put in writing the rules for how the local and central government should interact. Both the tools as well as the mechanisms which are used in the decentralization process as well as the expansion of local self-government are in need of legal regulation. All of this aims to improve the effectiveness and efficacy of local government.


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Article (Open Access)